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The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) includes all parents, carers, teachers and friends of the school.

The PTA organises fund raising, social activities and events like the Summer and Christmas Fairs, KS2 discos, cake sales, Christmas cards, Foundation play days, sports day ice creams and Easter chick hunts.  Our aim is to raise funds to support both larger and smaller school activities whilst bringing some enjoyment and fun to parents, staff and children!  

The PTA is an important part of the school and we make very valuable contributions both financially and in terms of time invested by parents, staff and friends.  Much of what we do is organised through our Facebook page and the Class WhatsApp groups.  We have a Code of Conduct that we expect everyone to agree to.  It protects and respects everybody.

These groups are for parents and carers to be sharers!  We help one another, we look after everyone, we have fun and we care.  Please treat everyone with respect, we come from different backgrounds with different beliefs and views.  

  • Do not judge, be considerate, don’t bully or degrade anyone either in or outside the group for whatever reason.  
  • Please DO post things that are relevant to the group, that will help make the day easier for us and our children, and that are relevant to your class.  The PTA will ask your Class Rep to pass on messages from time to time but we will not spam your group!
  •  Please DO NOT spam, become militant, rude, or nasty.  Consider if what you’re going to say is really suitable.  
  • Please be kind and look after one another.

The groups are not for venting or moaning about the school, about teachers, parents, or children!  

  • If you have an issue with something that is happening at the school, that the school may have said, done, or presented, about a member of staff, a parent or another child, do not take to the group to vent your frustration!  
  • Talk to the school – they would much rather know your feelings directly!  If you see others doing this, politely remind them, that this isn’t the forum for it.  We all get frustrated sometimes but there’s usually a non-megaphone based way of dealing with things!  We are all grown-ups and must act like them sometimes!  
  • To talk to your teacher or to request they call you email parents@stcmat.org and include the teacher’s name in the subject.

Each year we work hard to raise funds for school projects. 

Two years ago we contributed £13,000 to resurface the Multi Use Games Area (MUGA) so it drains well, and is now useable in all weathers.  

Last year we contributed £9000 to a new climbing frame in the Year 5 play area.

Thank you to everyone who helped us raise the money!

This year's projects


This year, one project is to fund the redevelopment of the Hive into a teaching kitchen. As well as contributing around £2,500 in funds for materials and equipment, we also organised parent helper days which saw lots of volunteers helping to assemble kitchen units! 


The PTA funded Steve McCraken's new bird mural at school, representing diversity. 


We have committed to contribute £5000 towards the re-location and refurbishment of the library, and look forward to this becoming a cosy, quiet place for all pupils to enjoy. 


As parents, you get to help decide what the PTA's money is spent on - please come to a meeting or get in touch on leo.pta@stcmat.org to let us know your ideas. 

There are lots of ways to be involved with the PTA!  Here are just a few:

  • Join us on Facebook ( https://www.facebook.com/groups/slpsPTA )
  • Join your Class WhatsApp list (ask your teacher or other parents who is your class rep!  There is at least one in each class!)
  • Donate some money!  Our JustGiving page is: https://www.justgiving.com/stleonardspta 
  • Add yourself to the email list ( Email us at LEO.PTA@stcmat.org )
  • Visit our events page ( https://www.pta-events.co.uk/slps/  ) and see what exciting events are coming up!
  • Send us your thoughts and ideas of events and activities we could put on! (email above, or drop a note into the school office)
  • Come along to the PTA meetings (the Facebook group posts the dates)
  • Be a volunteer!  We always need help at events, running stalls, organising food, drinks and fun! (Email us!)
  • Use your skills! Everyone has a way to contribute, be it helping us find gifts or prizes, or digging the veggie patch - we need everyone!
  • Can't partake, but do shop online?  Register with Easy Fundraising ( https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/stleonardspsptaex/ )
  • Contribute directly via the Giving Scheme!
  • E-mail us if you'd like to donate to a specific cause or just to help!

So, there's no excuse not to be involved!  Come and join us today!

Thank you everyone for being part of your community.  Please remember, we are all in this together and we’re all doing our best!

For tickets and bookings, please use our PTA-Events site: 

Useful Links

SLPTA Regular Giving