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Year 6

Friday 19th July


The children have had an amazing few days performing to a huge audience as well as enjoying the sun at the Leavers' Party. On Monday, the children will need their PE kit for Sports Day (9.30am). On Tuesday, most children will need a large bag to help them take their books home (they may need an alternative method of transport home if they are cycling). On Wednesday, the children will be attending the Leavers' Service at 9.30am- all adults are welcome. 

Please can we ask that you speak to your children about their use of WhatsApp as several children have again spoken about being in large group chats with people they don't know. 

Have a great weekend,

Year 6 Team


Friday 5th July


The children have had a great week looking at the changes that Devon experience in 1001 AD when the Saxons and Vikings clashed. Next week, several schools are holding their transition days. Please can we ask that you speak to your children as they can feel anxious not knowing what will be happening with regards to getting to school, what to bring and picking up. 

Tickets for the production have been released and can now be bought from the MCAS app on Friday 12th July any remaining tickets will be released on a first-come-first-served basis. Children's costumes should be brought into school in a labelled bag by Friday 12th July as well. 

Have a fantastic weekend,

Year 6 Team!

Friday 28th June


Year 6 have been in full production mode this week. Dances and songs have been learnt, and the children are becoming more confident with their lines. We will send out details early next week about tickets and costumes. 

We have had a series of incidents this week involving phones and WhatsApp groups outside of school. Please could we ask that you speak to you child about how they are using their phone and monitor their use of it. 

Have a lovely weekend,

Year 6 Team

Friday 21st June


Year 6 have had a fabulous time on Residential. The children experienced coasteering, kayaking, archery, fire lighting, den building and much more. The Year 6 teachers are extremely proud of how well all of the children did. 

Have a lovely, restful weekend!

Year 6 Team

Friday 14th June


The children have had a fantastic week rehearsing their end of year production- please check your MCAS app for notifications on when your child will be performing. Year 6 have also been very excited about their upcoming Residential. Please can we ask that you check the kit list carefully (see below) and pack clothes suitable for both warm and cold (and wet) weather.

After Residential, the children will be completing their final units of work with a focus on Exeter through time. Please see their new Learning Web below as well as the new schemas underneath the schema tab.

Have a great weekend,

Year 6 Team


Friday 7th June


Year 6 have been incredibly excited this week as we have started our rehearsals for the Year 6 production of Robin and the Sherwood Hoodies. Cast 1 will perform on Tuesday 16th July at 1.45pm and 6.30pm. Cast 2 will perform on Wednesday 17th July at 1.45pm and 6.30pm. Please continue to support your child in learning their lines.

In PE this week, the children have been learning the correct technique for golf. For many of our children this was their first time playing this sport and they absolutely loved it! Within our writing, the children have been converting the famous Highwayman poem into a narrative with their own original take on it.

Several secondary schools have now visited our children and it will not be long until your child’s transition day. Please could we ask that you speak to your child about this so that they feel prepared for their transition and to support them in creating questions they can ask during their visit.

Have a great weekend,

Year 6 Team

Friday 24th May


Year 6 have blown us away this week. Over 55 children came forward to audition for a part in our Year 6 production- we even had to extend the auditions by a day to fit everyone. There were superb actors, fantastic dancers and amazing singers. We will give out parts and scripts on our return from half-term. 

If your child is attending Residential, you should have received a kit list of items to bring. Please speak to your class teacher if you are missing any of the items as we may be able source some. 

The children have worked incredibly hard this term and should feel extremely proud of all that they have achieved. We hope you have a lovely, restful half-term. 

Year 6 Team

Friday 17th May


Year 6 have been superb this week. They have impressed us so much with their incredible effort and determination to be the best that they can be. They should all feel extremely proud of themselves. We have not set the children any home learning this week as they all deserve a rest!

Your  child will have come home with a letter regarding the Year 6 production today. This letter explains to the children that any child who wishes to have a speaking part will need to audition on Wednesday or Thursday lunchtime using the script on the back of the letter. We would love to see as many children as possible put themselves forward for a part. 

Have a great weekend,

Year 6 Team


Friday 3rd May


In Year 6 this week, we have practised our final SATs papers in preparation for the tests, which are in two weeks’ time. The children have been phenomenal and they should all feel very confident for the upcoming SATs. Please continue to support your child by encouraging them to complete their MyMaths and TTR at home as well as reading with them.

Within class, the children have been developing their observation skills by sketching objects as part of our still life unit. We have also considered the human and physical geographical features of the island of Heimaey in Geography.

We would like to remind you that Residential forms must be returned by Tuesday 7th May.

Have a lovely weekend,

Year 6 Team

Friday 26th April


The children have had a very busy week with lots of visitors coming in to see their fantastic learning. We have started our new topic in Geography-  focusing on how volcanoes impact the lives of people living on Heimaey. If your child has any images from visiting a volcano, we would love to see these. Our new learning web and schemas can be found below. 

The St. Leonard's World Book Day was a great success and it was delightful to see so many children expressing their love for reading. 

Next week, the children will be having another opportunity to experience a SATs paper before the real SATs in May. Please continue to support your child in revising using their revision packs from Easter. 

Have a great weekend,

Year 6 team

Year 6 Summer 1 Learning Web

Friday 19th April


The children have had a fantastic return to school. We have started our new English unit focusing upon a French wordless film- Beyond the Lines- which has already led to some superb ideas and vocabulary. As the weather has begun to improve, the children will be completing a cricket unit in PE on the field this half term. Wednesday PE is now in the afternoon and as such children will need to come to school in their school uniform.

The children who are attending Residential have been asked to think about which friends they would like to go on Residential with and we will use this information to split the year group for the trip. Forms will be coming out next week which will inform you of which end of the week your child is attending.

Have a great weekend,

Year 6 Team

Friday 28th March


The children have had a brilliant half-term and should feel extremely proud of all that they have achieved. If your child would like to revise across the Easter holidays, they have brought home a pack of different revision materials to use. You should also have recieved an email outlining lots of upcoming dates as the final term fo Year 6 is very busy. 

We hope that you have an enjoyable and restful Easter break.

Year 6 team

Friday 15th March


We have been so impressed this week by the maturity of the children as we start to explore the difficult history of Anne Frank and the Holocaust. The children have shown a real empathy for the plight of Jewish people persecuted by the Nazis - Year 6 will be using this knowledge to create a diary entry in the style of Anne Frank.

On Tuesday and Wednesday, it will be Parents’ Evening. If you haven’t booked a slot, please do this before Monday 18th March. Our trip to the Fleet Air Arm Museum is on Friday 22nd March. The children will need to wear school uniform and to bring a packed lunch. We aim to be back by 4pm on this day, but will depart as normal in the morning.

Have a great weekend,

Year 6 Team


Friday 8th March


This week, the children have been completing the 2023 KS2 SATs as part of their revision for the SATs in May. The children have made superb progress and have really impressed all of the adults with their test technique when completing these tasks. If you were unable to attend the SATs meeting on Monday, please find it attached below. In D.T, the children have begun to plan their own teddy bears for our ‘Make Do and Mend’ unit. If you have any material or unwanted clothing that could be used for this, please bring it to your class teacher.
We had over 70 children attend the early morning revision groups this week. These will continue to run until SATs. If your child is unable to attend these mornings, they can collect the revision materials during registration to use at home.

Have a great weekend,
Year 6 Team

KS2 SATs presentation 2024

Friday 1st March


This week, the children have been exploring the Battle of Dunkirk and will be creating a newspaper report on this next week. In D.T, the children have begun to explore the concept of ‘Make Do and Mend’ and will aim to create their own teddy bear from repurposed material. If you have any material or unwanted clothing that could be used for this, please bring it to your class teacher.

On Monday evening at 6pm, there will be a SATs meeting in the Studio for parents/carers to explain the process of these statutory assessments.

Next week, the early morning revision groups will also start- please see the letter that has been sent out.
Have a great weekend,
Year 6 Team

Friday 23rd February


The children have loved the start of our new topic in History on WW2. We have already had several children bring in images and Powerpoints on their family history- we would love to see more if you know anything about your family in the war. Please see our new schemas and curriculum maps below.

PE is now on a Wednesday morning and Friday morning so on these days children will need to come to school in their PE kit with their school uniform in their bags.

Monday 4th March there will be a SATs meeting at 6pm in the studio for parents/carers. This will also be the week that the early morning revision groups will start and these will run up to the SATs- please see the letter that has gone out.

Have a great weekend,

Year 6 Team

Friday 9th February


The children have had an amazing half term exploring all of our topics. It has been fantastic to see the children’s understanding develop alongside their ability to apply this to questions. In particular this week, the children have balanced the benefits of using upland areas for reservoirs alongside the impact this can have on communities and local habitats.

Next half term, our topic is World War 2 focusing on the Battle of Britain. We would love to hear about any family stories that link to WW2 that could be shared in class. As part of this topic, the children will be carrying out a sewing project using old material in a Make-Do and Mend task. If you have any old clothes or materials that would be suitable and can be donated, please could they be given to your class teacher.

Have a fantastic half term!

Year 6 Team


Friday 26th January
Year 6 have been amazing this week. We have been really impressed by how hard all the children are working and how independent they are becoming with their learning. This week, the children have finished their Everest recount writing as well as exploring the relationship between fractions, decimals and percentages.

Mr Tanner has sent applications home with any child interested in becoming a Sports Leader. These children will lead activities at break times and also support with Sports Day. These applications should be returned to Mr Tanner by the end of this half-term.

Next Friday is the School Rockstar Day when children can dress as a Rockstar. On this day, we will be taking part in TTRS challenges as well as other Maths activities across the curriculum.

Have a great weekend,
Year 6 Team

Friday 19th January

The children have had an exciting week investigating a range of different topics. In RE, the children have considered Hindu beliefs through the traditional story of the man in the well, whilst in Geography the children have considered how crinoid fossils helped to support the theory of plate tectonics. We would really recommend looking with your child at our current schemas and schemas from previous topics to support their learning.

In English, the children have been working incredibly hard to use the passive voice within their own recount of the first ascent of Everest. Please could we ask that you continue to support your child in practising their spellings as well as the statutory list of Year 3/4 and Year 5/6 words.
Have a great weekend!

Year 6 Team

Friday 12th January


This has been an amazing week for Year 6 as the street artist, Steve McCracken, came in to work with the children for two days- have a look on twitter for the final pieces. We have also continued to explore inheritance and evolution in Science as well as Hinduism in RE.

Going forward, ten arithmetic questions will be posted on teams each Friday for the children to complete along with the answers for them to self-mark. We hope this will support the children’s fluency and build their confidence.

As our current topic is on mountains, we would love to see any images that you or your family have of mountains that you have climbed.

Have a great weekend,

Year 6 Team

Friday 5th January

Happy New Year!

We hope that you have had a lovely break across Christmas. The children have returned full of energy for this half term and have already begun their new Big Question: Why are mountains so important? Please have a look at the learning webs and schemas for this half term.

On Monday and Tuesday next week, the artist Steve McCracken will be returning to work alongside the children again. He will be building upon the skills learnt in Year 5 and we are excited to see what fantastic artwork will be created. If your child has an old top that can be worn to protect their uniform on these days, please can they bring this in.

Following on from Mrs Slaven’s newsletter, children will now be coming into school wearing their PE kit on days when they have PE in the morning- they will need to bring their school uniform to get changed into for the afternoon. This half term, the children will need to wear PE kit to school on Fridays. Please can we also remind you to order your child’s lunch by 10pm the day before so that the correct amount of lunches are catered for.

Have a great weekend,

Year 6 Team


Friday 15th December


This week, the children have been finishing off their learning on Fairtrade by answering the question: Why is Fairtrade fair? as a non-chronological report. The children have also used their creative design skills to create concept models for their products in DT- have a look on twitter!

We have noticed within school a rise in the number of children being part of a large group on messaging platforms such as iMessage and WhatsApp. Several of these platforms have an age rating more suitable for secondary school children (for example Whatsapp has an age rating of 16+ from the NSPCC). Lots of the children have spoken about how the large number of notifications has made them feel anxious or upset. In Year 6, we have spoken about how to leave groups, block individuals and the importance of speaking to adults. Please could we remind you to be vigilant about how your children are using technology.

On Monday, there will be a Year 6 Christmas party and the children may wear their own clothes all day. On Tuesday, the children will be visiting church at 11.30am.

Have a great weekend,

Year 6 Team

Friday 8th December


The children have had a superb week creating their own versions of Anatomy by applying their Science writing to their English writing- have a look on twitter. Within Maths, we have now covered fractions and your child should feel more confident at using fractions in calculations.

Next week, we are having our Christmas lunch and Christmas jumper day (own clothes) on Wednesday 13th December. On Monday 18th December, it will be the Year 6 Christmas party and the children will be able to wear own clothes again. Please could we ask that you are mindful of the weather conditions for these days, as the children will still have outdoor break.

Have a lovely weekend,

Year 6 Team.


Friday 24th November
This week, the children have been completing the 2018 SATs papers as part of our assessment. The children have all been fantastic at applying the skills that they have been taught and in making sure that they annotate their test paper to support themselves. The children will be getting their papers back with their scores next week to help them identify any test technique mistakes that they might have made.

In PE this week, the children have been applying their handball skills to mini-matches with a particular focus on attack and defence strategies. Within RE, the children have been using their knowledge of atheism, theism and agnosticism to create eye-catching posters.

Please could we ask that you remind your child about the importance of not sharing food at break or lunch as we have children within the school who have serious allergies.

Have a great weekend, 
Year 6 Team

Friday 17th November
This week, Year 6 have worked phenomenally hard to create their own version of Carol Ann Duffy’s Tear Thief (have a look on twitter). The children are also making great progress with their understanding of fractions, which make up a large part of the Maths curriculum in Year 6.

We had 100% participation in TTR this week, which has meant lots of children have turned their charts green as well as improved their rock status. Please continue to encourage your child to play TTR for at least 3 minutes a day as well as complete their MyMaths task.

Have a great weekend,
Year 6 team

Friday 10th November


This week, we have been extremely lucky to have engineers from SDSolutions UK visit us for National STEM day. The engineers spoke about the many careers that are linked to engineering and provided the children with some exciting challenges (have a look at twitter).

In DT, the children have started their new unit- Navigating the Digital World. The children will be designing a multi-functional navigation device, which they will design using the software TinkerCAD, before pitching a Dragons’ Den-style pitch.

Please could we remind you that as we head towards the colder months, the temperature will continue to drop and that the children will require a school jumper and/or coat and appropriate clothing for PE.

Have a great weekend,

Year 6 Team

Friday 3rd November


The children have a had a fantastic return to school. We have started our new units which include: the circulation system in Science, Fairtrade in Geography and why people believe/don’t believe in God for our RE topic. You can find this information under our Learning Web tab and our schemas have also been posted to the school website. It would be great if you could please speak to your child about their schemas as we have found that this is a great aid for recalling knowledge.

If your child would like to apply to be a reading buddy- someone who spends 10 minutes at lunch once a week reading with KS1- they will need to write a letter to Mr Churchill by next Friday explaining why they think they would be good at this role. If your child can’t complete this at home, we will be running a workshop on Tuesday lunchtime.

Have a great weekend,

Year 6 Team


Friday 20th October


This week, the children have been finishing off our first half-term’s topics. In English, the children have answered our History Big Question as a balanced argument, whilst in Art the children have been maintaining their drawing skills through intricate zentangles.

As mentioned in Parents’ Evening, Year 6 children are set a MyMaths activity each week alongside the expectation that they practise their TTR for 3 minutes a day and their spellings. The children should be recording their reading in their reading records five times a week. This information can be found under the home learning banner on the website or on teams.

Please can we take this opportunity to remind you that the deadline for applying for secondary school is the end of October.

Have a relaxing half-term break.

Year 6 team.

Friday 13th October


What a fantastic way to end our week! The children enjoyed a wide range of Greek activities including soap carving, tile painting and mosaic making (have a look at twitter for some fabulous photos). In Maths, the children have continued to improve their fluency with the four operations.

If your child would like to put themselves forward for the school council, they will need to create a short speech outlining why they think they would be suitable. This speech should be given to their class teacher by Friday 20th October (either handwritten or typed and sent on teams). If your child would like some support with writing their speech, they can attend a drop-in session in Year 3 Moles on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday lunch.

Please can we also remind you that the deadline for submitting an application for secondary school is fast approaching (31st October). This can be done here: https://www.devon.gov.uk/educationandfamilies/school-information/apply-for-a-school-place/apply-for-a-secondary-school-place/#:~:text=Apply%20now-,Apply%20now,6%20inviting%20them%20to%20apply.

Have a great weekend,

Year 6 Team


Friday 6th October


This week, Year 6 have started writing their own version of the Perseus and Medusa myth (have a look at twitter for some fantastic openers). In Science, the children have been using cocktail umbrellas to investigate how shadows change at different parts of the day. 

Next week is the deadline for signing up for Residential. Please do come and speak to us if you have any concerns about this trip as we would like as many children as possible to attend.

Friday 13th October is our Greek Day. Please have a look at the letter for costume ideas or speak to your class teacher. 

Have a great weekend!

Year 6 team. 

Friday 29th September 


Our blog is up and running! The children have had a superb start to this half term and are loving our new topics. This week, we have explored how we can change the direction of light using mirrors to form a periscope and created abstract art using macro photography (have a look at teams). In Maths, the children have begun to explore multiplication and division - have a look at the school twitter page to see some excellent divisibility posters.

We would like to take this opportunity to remind you to apply for a secondary school place before the end of October. It is also now possible for you to sign up for the Year 6 Residential - if you have any questions or concerns then please contact us before the deadline.

Have a great weekend,

Year 6 Team

Year 6 Home Learning 5th July

Year 6 Home Learning Friday 28th June