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Year 5

Friday 28th June

Last Friday the children in Year 5 enjoyed visiting the Royal Albert Memorial Museum. We visited the museum in order to observe their collection of Egyptian aretfacts, including the sarcophagus of Shep-en-mut. Whil;st there, we were also able to explore the other galleries too. Thank you to all of the parents who accompanied us on the visit.

This week, we have continued reading Secrets of the Sun King by Emma Carroll using the text to inspire our writing. We put ourselves in the role of Mrs Emerson-Jones, the headteacher, and wrote a letter home to Lillian's parents informing them of her latest misdemeanor. In maths we have been learning about units of measures and how to convert them. This week's My Maths home learning activity supports the consolidation of this learning.

Today, all of the children learnt about the changes their bodies will go through during puberty. The children were as curious and mature as always but some may wish to discuss this topic further at home.

Finally, if you have any spare jam jars please could you send them into school next week. These will be used to support an activity that will enhance the children's understanding of Ancient Egypt.

Have a great weekend.
The Year 5 Team


Friday 14th June

This week in Year 5 we have continued to learn more about Ancient Egypt, in both our history lesson and through reading the novel Secrets of the Sun King. A reminder to all parents that we will be visiting RAMM next Friday morning to observe the Egyptian artefacts on display there. If you are able to volunteer to support this trip we would be very grateful. Please contact your child's class teacher.

In science this week, we have learnt about how a baby grows and develops inside the mother's womb. To illustrate this, we used pieces of fruit to illustrate the changing size of the foetus from 4 weeks to birth. The children were incredibly interested and mature in their discussions around this learning. Next week, the children will learn about key milestones from birth until their current age and the week after they will learn about changes their bodies will go through during puberty. 

In our PSHE assembly today, we discussed the dangers around having too much screen time. We learnt about some of the warning signs that tell us when we are having to much screen time. Physical signs, such as blurred vision, headaches or a stiff neck; social signs, such as not spending as much time with friends or having a device confiscated and emotional signs, such as moodiness and lack of concentration. We also thought, together, of some simple solutions, such as setting screen time limits, going outside and playing with friends offline. 

Next week, the children will complete standardised testing in maths, reading and grammar as they do each term. These are low stakes assessments used to inform teacher judgements on attainment and progress and to help identify children's next steps. There is no preparation required and we aim to keep them as relaxed as possible. If you have any questions about this assessment process, please don't hesitate to contact Mr Smith.

We look forward to seeing lots of you at this evening's heritage festival. Have a great weekend.

The Year 5 Team.


Friday 7th June

Welcome back to our final term in Year 5. It has been lovely seeing the children again and hearing about all of their adventures over the half-term holiday.

This week we have started learning about Ancient Egypt, reading the first chapter of The Secrets of the Sun King as well as starting to think about the many acheivements of the Egyptian civilisation. On Friday June 21st we will be going to the RAMM in central Exeter to study their collection of Egyptian artefacts. A letter will go out with full details but this is a free trip and we will be back in school for lunch. As a result, children do not need anything with them apart from appropriate clothing for the walk (e.g. a hat if it is sunny or a raincoat if not!). School uniform should be worn as normal. We would really appreciate some parent volunteers to support us with this trip, which will run from 9.15 to 12.30. If you are able to help us with this please contact your child's class teacher.

This term we will also be learning about our changing bodies in both science and PSHE. This will include changes that the children will experience during puberty. We understand that this can be a sensitive subject and that your child may wish to talk about this in more detail with you at home. A letter has been sent to all parents containing the content that will be taught but if you would like any additional information please don't hesitate to contact Mr Smith.

We hope that you are all enjoying the arrival of the summer weather at last! We wish you a restful weekend.

The Year 5 Team


Friday 17th May

Over the last two weeks in Year 5 we have continued to read and enjoy Varjak Paw. We are now in the final stages of creating our own stories in the style of this text. In maths we have began learning about decimals again and this week have learnt about decimal complements to 1 and adding and subtracting decimals. This week's MyMaths home learning activity aims to consolidate this area of learning.

We have also begun to create our own sculptures in the style of renowned ceramasist Magdalen Odundo. Thank you to all of the parents who donated milk bottles and newspaper to help us with these.

Today in our year group assembly, we discussed the benefits and risks of being part of an online community. We spoke about a range of different social media platforms, with many of the children being surprised to learn that the age restriction for using Whatsapp in the UK is currently 16 years old. We also discussed how you should leave a group or chat if you ever feel uncomfortable or unsafe and report this to a trusted adult. Next week, we will discuss the impact of too much screen time. If any parents would like more information about our online safety curriculum please contact your class teacher. We recognise the importance of a strong home school partnership in helping children to successfully navigate this often complex aspect of modern life.

We hope that you enjoy a happy and peaceful weekend with your families.

The Year 5 Team


Friday 3rd May

This week in Year 5 we have continued to read the novel Varjak Paw. We have used this as a basis for our creative writing, learning how we can use speech to develop a character. Next week, we will begin to plan and write our own stories in the style of Varjak Paw. In maths we have started learning about co-ordinates and this week's MyMaths home learning is based on this theme. We have also been learning about life cycles in science. Can you explain to your parents what a bird is, identifying somne of their key features when outside over the weekend?

On Thursday 23rd, Year 5 have been invited to Exeter School to watch a performance by the English Touring Opera. A letter has been sent to parents about this event. If you are able to support us with this event by acting as a parent volunteer we would greatly appreciate this. We will leave school at 9.15am and return by 11.30am. Swimming for Otters Group 1 children will run as normal.

We wish you all a very enjoyable long weekend.

The Year 5 Team


Friday 19th April

It has been a great first week back at school, culminating in the children's wonderful performance this afternoon. Thank you to all of the parents who came and supported this event. It was great to see you and we hope that you enjoyed the show!

This term in Year 5 our writing and reading will be focused around the novel Varjak Paw. In maths we will begin by learning about angles. A full overview of this term's Year 5 curriculum can be found in the learning webs tab below. 

This term PE will be in the morning for all classes in Year 5 on both Wednesdays and Thursdays. This means that children should come to school wearing their PE kits on Wednesday and Thursday mornings. Swimming for Otters Group 1 will start on Thursday 25th April. For full details please refer to the swimming letter on the website.

A final Bikeability catch up session will take place on Thursday 25th April. Parents who have a child taking part in this activity will be contacted directly by app message.

Finally, a reminder that maths home learning is set every week on a Friday through the MyMaths website. A link to this can be found in the home learning tab below. We encourage all children to complete this activity alongside regular multiplication tables practise and daily reading.

All the best,

The Year 5 Team

Friday 23rd February

We have enjoyed a fantastic first week back to school. Highlights have included designing our own cracking contraption; using filtering and sieving to clean dirty water and beginning our learning on rivers.

Today, in our year group assembly, we discussed staying safe online. In particular we talked about what to do if somebody sends you a message that you do not understand or upsets you. We discussed:
1. sharing this information with a trusted adult;
2. blocking the person who sent the message;
3. reporting them to the site administrator.

We also discussed the importance of limiting screen time and spending some time engaging in offline activities. Your children may want to talk to you about this in more detail. More information for parents can be found on the very informative CEOPs website, the police's online safety website.

Parents have all been sent a letter this week about Bikeability. Please be aware that places are limited and that they will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. If you would like your child to complete this course, please use the online form detailed in the letter.

Have a great weekend!
The Year 5 Team

Monday 19th February

Welcome back to a new term! It has been wonderful seeing the children again after the half term holidays. We hope that you enjoyed your week away from school.

This term we will be studying rivers in geography, which will include an exciting trip to the River Bovey on Dartmoor. In English we will be creating our own cracking contraptions, in the style of Wallace and Gromit, and explaining how they work. In maths we will start the term by learning about decimals and percentages. Please see full details of this term's learning in the topic web tab.

Please note that PE will be on Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning. This means that children should come to school in their uniform on Wednesdays and in their PE kit on Thursdays. 

Please speak to your class teacher if you would like any additional information.

The Year 5 Team

Friday 26th January

Year 5 enjoyed a really engaging visit to the LIFE Exhibition this week, where they were able to use a range of interactive resources to deepen their understanding of why Christians believe that Jesus was a Messiah. 

This week, the chilfdren have also finished publishing their writing focused on the secrets of Exeter's past. This was inspired by the book Secrets of Stonehenge. The finished products are colourful, entertaining insights into some of the most interesting periods of Exeter's past. The children have worked hard to include complex sentences, modal verbs and colons in their writing.

In maths, we have re-visited our previous learning on fractions and are now focusing on multiplying fractions and mixed numbers by an integer.

In art, we have also began to explore the life and works of Austrian architectural artist Hundertwasser. 

PE will continue as normal next week, with all classes coming to school in their PE kit on both Wednesday and Thursday. Next week, also sees Robot Rock Day taking place on Friday 2nd February.

Have a lovely weekend.

The Year 5 Team

Friday 19th January

This term, Year 5 have been reading the book Street Child by Berlie Doughty. This is the story of Jim, an orphan growing up in Victorian London. This is a true story inspired by the events leading to the foundation of the charity Barnardos. Reading this story has helped children to better understand life in Britain during the mid-Victorian period, providing important insights into our learning on the British Empire in history. We have learnt about the extent of the empire, why Britain chose to establish it and what life was like in the former colony of Rhodesia, for both colonists and indiginous people. For more information on the learning in Year 5 this term, please see our topic web on the tab below.

Next week, children will attend the LIFE Exhibition at the Belmont Chapel on Thursday 25th (Otters and Stoats) or Friday 26th (Polecats). This is linked to the children's learning on Christianity in RE. The children will return to school for lunch as normal but they will need a warm coat for the walk.

The following week children will participate in Robot Rock Day on Friday 2nd February. This day will celebrate mathematics and the children are invited to dress as either a rock star or a robot. A seperate letter has been sent on this subject to all parents.

Have a great weekend

The Year 5 Team

Friday 15th December

Year 5 enjoyed a lovely walk around Exeter Quay yesterday to support our recent learning on climate change. The children were able to observe some of the infrastructure that has been built to help mitigate the increased risk of flooding in the local area. A big thank you to all of the parents that joined us to help. Linked to this learning, we have also completed our own version's of the story 'Flood', using a variety of descriptive techniques to create atmosphere and relative clauses and dialogue to show character emotions.

Next week, the Year 5 Christmas party will take place on Monday 18th December. This is a non-uniform day. On Tuesday 19th we will visit St Leonard's Church for our annual Christmas celebration. Parents are very welcome to join us. The service begins at 11.30am.

Finally, we would like to wish you and your families a very happy and peaceful Christmas. We look forward to seeing the children back in school on Thursday 5th January.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
The Year 5 Team


Friday 1st December 

We have enjoyed a wonderful, busy week in Year 5. In English we have started reading a new book, called Flood, which is helping us to explore our learning on climate change from a different angle. Tuesday saw us send Gus down a series of different zipwires to help us to understand more about friction. Yesterday, we visited Exeter Islamic Centre as part of our learning in RE on Islam. We received a very warm welcome, with one of our own talented Year 5 students demonstrating the Islamic call to prayer. 

Maths home learning is available on MyMaths (please see the link in the useful links section). This task will support children to consolidate their recent learning on improper fractions and mixed numbers. Please accept our apologies that no maths home learning was set last week - this was an oversight on Mr Smith's part.

Next week we will be visiting Exeter Quay to learn more about the flood defences. This visit links our learning on the impact of climate change to our own local context. This is a free trip which will take place entirely in school time. Your child will need to wear a warm, waterproof coat please.

We hope to see many of you at the school Christmas Fair tomorrow.

Have a lovely weekend.

The Year 5 Team


Friday 3rd November

It has been great to be back in school this week and hearing all about the exciting things that children have been doing over half term. As I'm sure you are aware, it has been an eventful week in school and the children in Year 5 have shown outstanding maturity in coping with some of the unexpected events thrown their way!

We have still had time to dive into lots of exciting learning including starting our learning on climate change by looking at the first of our case studies, focusing on the life of Elhaji from the Gambia. We have also started to read the book 'Are Humans damaging the atmosphere?'

Home learning on MyMaths has been set as normal and we encourage all children to complete this to consolidate their learning in school. Children are also encouraged to read and practise their multiplication tables every day. Links to all of the websites needed to complete home learning can be found in the useful links tab below.

Parents in Stoats should note that swimming for Group 2 children starts next Thursday (9th). A letter will be sent later in the term to parents of children in Polecats advising them of swimming times in the Spring term. Children in Otters will swim in Summer term.

Have a wonderful weekend.
The Year 5 Team


Friday 20th October

Dear Parents,

It was wonderful to meet you all in person this week. Your children have been working very hard in school this term and we wish you all a happy and restful half term holiday.

Over the half term holiday it will support your child to continue to participate in the regular home learning activities that we recommend in Year 5.

1. Reading for 10-15 minutes every day. This could be independent reading, reading aloud to an adult or being read to. We ask that the children keep a brief record of this reading in their purple reading record. We also recommend that once a book has been completed that children complete a short comprehension quiz on the text via the Accelerated Reader website.

2. 3-5 minutes of Times Tables Rock Stars every day. This supports children to acheive automaticity in basic calculations. Your child's login details are stuck inside their reading record. 

During term time the children will also be set a weekly maths task to consolidate their learning in class. This will be set via the My Maths website. This website also contains a wide range of games and activities if you would like to do any additional learning with your child.  Your child's login details are stuck inside their reading record. 

All of the websites mentioned here can be found in the useful links section of this page.

Thank you for all of your support this half term. Have a wonderful break. We look forward to seeing you again on Tuesday 31st October.

The Year 5 Team


Welcome to our Year 5 Blog! 

We have been busy getting our new website up and running and we are excited to share with you all the brilliant learning that the children will be doing. You can find our Learning Web for Autumn 1 below which contains all of our curriculum information for this half term. 

Here is what we have been up to over the last few weeks. 

English - We have been reading Kensuke's Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo. This is the exciting tale of a young boy who becomes stranded on a remote, tropical island. We have creating our own narrative adventure stories inspired by the text.

Maths – We have been focusing on efficient strategies for addition and subtraction. You can support your child by helping them to complete their weekly maths home learning activity which is set via the MyMaths website. A link is in the useful websites section below. The home learning reflects the key elements of what your child has been learning in class that week.

Science – We have been learning about the Earth and space. As part of this learning, we enjoyed drawing around our shadows with chalk at different times of the day. Our moving shadows helped us to explain how the Earth spins on its axis once every 24 hours. 

Humanities – This term we have been learning about the Mayan civilisation. We studied images of buildings rediscovered at the great city of Chichin Itza and speculated, as historians, what each could have been used for.

If you have any queries about the learning in Year 5 please contact your child's class teacher for more information.

The Year 5 Team

Check back soon.