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My Child At School (MCAS) App

What is MCAS (My Child At School)?

My Child At School is an online portal that enables parents to view their child’s performance at school in real time via any modern web browser.

Features & Benefits

  • Messaging - Communication through Push Notification (for the App) is our primary method of communication with parents, parents can also send messages to the school for free. 
  • Ordering School Lunches - School lunches must be ordered via the MCAS app by 10pm the evening prior.
  • Payments - We are a cashless school and use the MCAS app to facilitate secure online payments for lunches, Trips & Events, Wraparound Care, Extra-Curricular Activities and School Shop.
  • Parents Evening - Parents can use the Parent Evening bookings section to book or view their appointments.
  • Attendance - Anytime access to review your child's Attendance.
  • Parental Contact Details - Parents can update their personal contact details so that the school always has their most up to date information
  • Parental Consents - Parents will have complete visibility of the current status of key consents requested by the school.

Free to downloadMCAS app store

Please make it a priority to download the MCAS app as soon as possible. Be sure to 'enable notifications' so you can recieve messages from us.

Please use the link below for support with downloading and troubleshooting the MCAS app.

MCAS Parent App New User Interface quick guideJune 2024

MCAS Parent Guide