Safeguarding Officers
We have the greatest respect for our Safeguarding responsibility. School staff play an essential role in safeguarding our pupils.
We have a number of Safeguarding officers in school identified above but ALL our staff share our responsibility and have received safeguarding training to help support children who may be at risk.
Useful links and information for our families
If you are concerned that a child has experience, or is at risk of, harm, you can make a referral yourself to MASH (Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub) through this link:
Make a request for support or report a child safety concern
0345 155
The NSPCC website is rich with information about how to safeguard pupils and proactively prevent any child coming to harm. NSPCC website
Childline are a dedicated service to support children who are concerned they may experience harm or need advice.
Online Safety
Please see children's page 'Keeping Safe Online' for child-friendly materials to use together. The links below are further information for parents only.
Child Exploitation and Online Protection
NSPCC - Talking to your child about online safety
Operation Encompass
Information about our in-school system to maintain safeguarding records
Link to main website where parents/carers can find out more information about this software used in school.